A Journey Through Corporatism

The corporate workplace – logic, reason, informed opinions. A democratic forum for every working citizen. What attributes are not acceptable or welcomed in the workplace? A deviated intellect? A seemingly radical notion to improve society? Anything that is not in accordance to corporate standards as outlined in every vague mission statement? Most activists liken to the idea of the first amendment, but let’s be realistic, the first amendment does not specify where you can have these beliefs, expressions, and/or opinions that deviate from what is expected of a corporate identity within that infrastructure.

Join me in voting for the reconstruction of corporatism

I began to work for corporations when I finished my masters from a reputable university in London, England. Given I didn’t have much work experience besides internships and part-time work during my undergrad, I was very limited in my choices. I began applying for entry-level positions. So here I was – an intelligent, driven, ambitious individual with an array of skills, abilities, strengths whose only choice was to apply for entry-level roles. Despite what every recruiter and ‘how to get a job’ website was telling me, I still applied for mid-level positions. Much to my dismay, I was ‘academically over-qualified and professionally under-qualified.’ My journey through corporatism started in the cosmopolitan heart of London, England. I underwent an excruciating process of interviews and dealing with recruitment agencies who did everything in their power to sell you – from editing your resume (CV) which in my case meant ‘dumbing me down’ to providing me with a generic script of ‘what to say in interviews.’

I had a master’s degree from a top university in the UK and a load of work experience throughout my undergraduate career; yet I did not possess substantial, long-term professional experience in one particular job. Really? That’s the ultimate indicator for someone starting ‘at the bottom’? So I began my gradual descendence into boredom, dumbing myself down, and working in non-stimulating environments. I continued to ask myself – is this really what I independently worked so hard for? To end up in a position and environment which did not support who I was and where I was prevented from utilizing the acquired intellect, skills, abilities, and strengths? I desperately had to believe there was a viable alternative. I wanted to be a professional, to work in a position where I could fully tap into my potential. Throughout my professional journey, I had people ‘reassure’ me through statements such as:

-It’s just a job. (Right, so where I dedicate and invest 40+ hours a week shouldn’t really matter that much).

-You will never find a perfect job. (It’s a meaningless comment that people who have seemingly ‘given up’ say).

-You have to adapt to the corporate environment. That’s real world living. (So if your boss enjoys going to strip clubs, go along for the ride…a new promotion awaits)! <<true story.

Most of the corporations I worked for involved a typical organizational structure including:

-Mostly white men on the board of management/executives

-All the mission statements and company vision sections were similar if not oddly identical

-A peculiar social conditioning process which occurs through the illusion of financial profit/gain.

-An outright lie that your earning potential can exponentially increase if you’re competitive with colleagues, professionally manipulate clientele/customers, and demonstrate an obedient attitude towards superiors even if they’re unprofessional.

The recruitment agents trained me on how to correctly ask and answer questions during interviews. I soon realized it’s a game and you learn how to play but for what gain? Most people work to live. Most people feel they are deserving of a higher salary. Most people work far more than the 40+ hours they’re initially scheduled to work and not paid overtime in some cases. So why are we trying so hard to get our foot into these facilities, and become robotic assets to people drinking mojitos on their islands who we rarely ever meet? Because we’re given the illusion that we could also be drinking mojitos on our island, but this is not reality and we all know it internally. So what’s the real answer as to why we are conditioned and trained to work in these types of organizational structures? Because there is no viable alternative.

When I researched all the companies I interviewed with along with the companies I actually worked for, I was disappointed to see a few quirks. There is absolutely no reason as to why a company in a westernized society should have far less than a proportionate amount of females working in head management (based on overall percentage of management who is female). One reason I believe this exists in many corporate infrastructures in both the USA and UK is that corporations are believed to be boys’ clubs where men develop partnerships. In other words, when women join, they appear as a sore thumb.

By keeping one race and gender at the top of the corporate ladder, we are blindly accepting and conforming to a bias, designated socialization process, and being deceived into believing that freedom of expression, equal opportunities, and discrimination laws are actually sufficient and intact. We are again disillusioned because we are given a piece of the corporate pie which silences and leads us to a professional life of self-deprecation and inequality. Most of the companies I researched in the UK typically had the Chairman take the place of his father. Well, how convenient is that? A continuation of the patriarch passing down his wealth and business of inequality to his one and only son.

The main purpose of corporatism is to make a profit. To use and train humans into being robotic minions to bring in millions for their own selfish desires. The top 1-3% of CEOs, Chairmen, and owners of these large corporations can care less about your well-being (unless you’re profitable human capital). The equal opportunity and anti-discriminatory disclaimers is simply a clever approach to appearing democratic and avoiding lawsuits. However, lawsuits are already rare among entry-level, junior, associate employees. The immediate solution to restructuring corporate infrastructure and identities is realization, discussion, and execution. Execution of alternative plans. Let’s find one because we’re all worthy.

New World Order: A Conspiracy Worth Considering

There are so many approaches I can take on this current political, social and economic affair, but I will focus on eradicating the misconception and fear that the New World Order is a conspiracy theory. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and ideas, but a provision of facts, an understanding of what the New World Order actually entails from both a religious and political view, and a willingness to break away from the social constructions we have succumbed to will all lead to a more liberating view of the potential globalization of the human race.

A simple definition of a conspiracy theory is “a term that originally was a neutral descriptor for any claim of civil, criminal or political conspiracy. However, it has become largely pejorative and used almost exclusively to refer to any fringe theory which explains a historical or current event as the result of a secret plot by conspirators of almost superhuman power and cunning” (Wiki). For the sake of my argument and my disagreement with a conspiracy theory necessarily being of a “superhuman power and cunning,” this analysis will focus on a political conspiracy conjured up by actual facts and evidence that is indicative of events and affairs that took place or will be taking place primarily in America. For those who do not consider the New World Order or political conspiracy theories to be valid, you may find it ‘pejorative and debasing’ for someone to have such seemingly audacious views, but I would ask for anyone who is reading this post to continue to have an open mind and allow your approach to be receptive.

Another perspective and/or evidence worth considering of the New World Order throughout history:

“NEW WORLD ORDER” is the GLOBAL TOTALITARIANISM dream that a BANKER called Mayer Amschel Rothschild, helped revive in 1760’s to protect his private bank from global government regulation. His grand blue print is best described by his paid social engineer called Dr. Adam[Spartacus]Weishaupt, Professor of Canon Law in the university of Ingolstadt. Weishaupt adopted the term “Illuminati.”


Objectives of the New World Order:

Abolition of all ordered governments, private property, inheritance, patriotism, family, religion, a global population of 500 million, creation of a world government.

Religion, particularly Christianity, can be interpreted as one key factor in the reproduction and unraveling of the New World Order. Revelation, the last book of the bible, goes into very descriptive; yet elusive detail about the ‘end of the current world’ and beginning of a ‘new world’. Most theologians don’t really know what to make of the last, apocalyptic book written by John who was ‘consumed’ by the Holy Spirit. Perhaps too many intoxicating herbs/plants on the Greek island John? The question here is: Is the American political, corporate, and governmental agenda following biblical revelations written by a man who was not necessarily conscious or is there a repetitive history being emulated until we (the human race) can finally reach one nation under one government? I’m not going to quote the whole book of Revelations here, but what I am proposing is that people keep in mind why American religious institutions continue to forcefully recruit followers and ambassadors for god? Perhaps because religion is another tool used by those in power as a masquerade to cover up what is truly occurring behind closed doors. Furthermore, it forces people to debate over trivial, insignificant matters, and ignore what the government and private banks are doing to our ‘democratic, free market American system’. Does god truly bless America as all the white male presidents & Obama consistently say to win more votes? Perhaps some actually believe this male deity in the sky is blessing us with his golden wand.

The European Union and the USA common foreign and security policies are joining together to create a strong, foreboding empire. This unification and sovereignty of currency, government, national identity, public policies, and social conventions is a gradual process, but it is occurring whether we agree to it or not. The problematic issue here is that radicalism, revolutionist movements are not being considered or actively pursued. “But it is not only the hostility of others that may prevent us from questioning the status quo. Our will to doubt can be just as powerfully sapped by an internal sense that societal conventions must have a sound basis, even if we are not sure exactly what this may be, because they have been adhered to by a great many people for a long time” (Alain De Botton). Radicalism, a fight towards a true democratic global nation will not occur because people don’t have a reason to believe we need one.

The USA is ‘taking care’ of its people in a way where patriotism and capitalism benefit the people on a smaller, insignificant scale. For example, there is no reason to question:  Why celebrities are idolized, visionary mass productions of society. Why that in such a seemingly democratic, prosperous nation as America, there are areas nationwide which are equivalent to developing countries both economically and socially. Why we pay Federal Income tax when it’s not even legal. Instead, people are conditioned to work 40+ hours a week at a job they are not happy in; whereby becoming a capitalistic slave, accepting social conventions that are not innately and naturally reasonable, conforming to absurd religious practices, and/or selling their bodies and minds to mass consumerism and popular culture. The common individual is willing to trust the ‘system’ that has failed us miserably, and a system that continues to maintain a socially elite, seemingly educated group of people belonging to one race, one gender, a few bank investors at the top of the injustice pyramid.

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